Last month, FABB asked local riders and interested residents to support the Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) by contacting the Alexandria City Council to Speak Up! in support of safer options to accommodate all users of Seminary Road.

If you have ridden in the area, you know that Seminary Road between Quaker Lane and I-395 is a high-speed, four-lane road without bicycle lanes or safe crossings despite the presence of neighborhoods, schools, and Alexandria Hospital. Among the options under consideration by the City Council, the best one to improve the situation isAlternative 3, which adds two protected bicycle lanes, and converts to one through car lane in each direction with a middle left-turn lane. A similar project on King Street in 2016 reduced speeding by 18 percent without adding congestion, decreased crashes by 50 percent, and did not result in a jump in neighborhood cut-through traffic.

FABB is joining with the Coalition for Smarter Growth to urge cyclists and others to urge the City Council to adopt Alternative 3 at a public hearing and vote in September. You can read more about the recommendation and the please sign the CSG petitionHERE.

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