National Bike & Roll to School Day is fast approaching, and this year it’s happening on May 8, 2024. Now is the perfect time to register and start planning how you can participate in this exciting event!

Bike & Roll to School Day is a fun, nationwide event that encourages children and teens to bike or roll to school. The initiative promotes the joys of active commuting while also emphasizing the importance of creating safer routes for our students. This event is not just about promoting physical activity; it’s a powerful tool to build community connections, enhance school spirit, and inspire positive change that could last well beyond just one day.

Whether you have school-age children or not, be a part of the movement and check with your local schools or the Fairfax County Public Schools Safe Route to Schools website to find out more about opportunities to support this wonderful event. Check out this Walk, Bike & Roll website to see some of the dozens of events already planned for Fairfax County.

While the official date for 2024 is May 8, schools and communities are encouraged to choose any day in May that best fits their schedule. This flexibility ensures that everyone who wants to participate can do so, even if conflicts arise with the official date.

Getting involved is easy! If you want to start your own event, just visit the official Bike & Roll to School Day registration page to sign up. You can register as an individual, a family, or a school. Once registered, you’ll receive resources and ideas on how to organize and promote your event, ensuring it’s a success.

Don’t wait—lace up those shoes, strap on your helmet, and join the movement towards a healthier, more active future for our children. Let’s roll together on this special day and make it a memorable one for our community!

If you are interested in working with the Safe Routes to School program on an event for your local school, FABB can help with route selection and other related advice.  Contact us at [email protected].

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