The ongoing suspension of Fairfax Connector bus service because of a job action and work stoppage has caused lots of passengers to look for alternative ways to travel.

This could be the right time for you to try bike commuting. Biking is a healthy and economical way to get to work. Plus, with proper planning and preparation, it can become an enjoyable part of your work day.

Back in 2020, during the lengthy closure of Metro’s Orange and Silver lines, FABB established a Bike Advisors program to help people thinking about becoming a bike commuter.

FABB’s Bike Advisor volunteers are available to advise new commuters around the county on bike routes to work or wherever they need to go. We can help you select a well-chosen bike route that avoids high-volume, high-speed roads and provides a safer and more pleasant commute. Our advisors also can provide helpful advice on the equipment and other resources needed to have a successful bike trip.

The weather is getting better and our advisors can help you  prepare to get where you are going regardless of wind, rain, or cold.

To request help with a bike route or other bike commuting question, email us at [email protected] or send us your questions and contact information here.

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