Bruce Wright, one of FABB’s dedicated long time board members, recently brought his insights on bicycling advocacy to the Bike Talk podcast. Wright’s discussion focused on the development of the 66 Parallel Trail and the broader challenges faced in advocating for improved bike facilities in Fairfax County.

Bike Talk, broadcasting out of Los Angeles at KPFK and across several Pacifica Network FM stations, is devoted to enhancing public transportation through biking. The show provides a vital platform for discussing the future of cycling infrastructure, policy, and culture, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in the advancement of biking as a key mode of transportation.

During his appearance, Wright shed light on the necessity of continuous advocacy and public support to overcome hurdles in creating better biking environments. His insights into the 66 Parallel Trail project underscore the importance of community and determination in pushing for sustainable and accessible transportation options.

For those intrigued by the intersection of urban planning, biking, and community development, Wright’s interview is a must-hear. It’s available for streaming at and on Apple Podcasts. Listen now for a concise yet comprehensive look into the efforts required to foster a bike-friendly future.


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