FABB is again working with Fairfax County Park Authority staff to sponsor Bike to Farmers Market Week during July 16-22. We need volunteers to attend the markets across the county to talk to potential riders about the benefits and joys of biking and encourage them and existing cyclists to use bikes for market and other short trips.

Sign up today here.

We’re asking for volunteers to be at the Park Authority-managed markets for the entire time they are open, usually for four hours. If we can sufficient volunteers, we can make the shifts shorter, and, of course, even a couple of hours volunteer service is acceptable.

We also would like volunteers before July 9 to research and record bike routes to their market, check out the available bike parking, if any, and send the information to us to share on social media promoting the event.

We’ll provide volunteers with a table and chairs at each market, our FABB logo tablecloth, and great giveaways, such as 2023 bike maps, FABB lip balm and stickers, and key chains to make your table as popular as the ones with fresh vegetables and fruit. We’ll also provide you with information to sign up interested visitors for our newsletter and to help them become a FABB member.

This is a great opportunity to promote better bicycling in Fairfax County. Please join us and sign up today to represent FABB at Bike to Market Week.

If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected].




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