Ever shout “WTF!”’ when the bike lane suddenly ends, when hidden trail debris punctures a tire, or a motorist passes way too close? We get it, and we say “What the FABB!” as a reminder that our advocacy is making a difference for better bicycling in Fairfax County!

As we cruise into the third week of our annual appeal, it’s time for a bit of fun with a serious intent. “What the FABB!” is more than just a playful nudge; it’s a rallying cry for those of us who’ve experienced those “What Terrible Frustration” incidents on our streets.

Let’s channel that energy into action and laugh in the face of obstacles by turning WTF moments into triumphs. Every day, FABB works tirelessly to champion safer roads, more inclusive cycling policies, and events to build the biking community.

With you and your support as a member or a donor, we can ensure WTF creates a:

  • Wonderful Community of riders who genuinely care about every cyclist’s safety and experience;
  • Transformative Change as every dollar helps support FABB’s advocacy to make our roads safer and more accessible; and
  • Fabulous Events, ranging from bike classes through advocacy workshops to community rides.

Donate today and let’s make our shared WTF moments a thing of the past. Together, we can ensure that every time someone thinks “WTF!,” it’s because of the amazing changes we’re creating in Fairfax County!

Want to learn more about FABB, contact us at [email protected].

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