Area of Route 7 Expansion Project.

VDOT recently opened the new shared-use paths on both sides of the entire seven-mile stretch of Route 7 between Reston Avenue and Jarrett Valley Drive for bicyclists and pedestrians. The shared-use paths tie into those on Route 7 beyond the eastern and western limits of the project, providing a direct bicyclist/pedestrian connection from the Fairfax County Parkway Trail to Tysons. [Note: the path on the north side is still incomplete as its approaches Tysons because of ongoing gas company work expected to last into June.]

In addition, Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail users now have a new route under the Difficult Run bridge to safely cross Route 7.

The shared-use paths are separated from the road by a shoulder or gutter and a strip of grass. They typically are ten feet wide but narrow occasionally to eight feet when adjacent to turn lanes.  These improvements enhance mobility for cyclists and pedestrians in conformity with Fairfax County’s Comprehensive Plan.

Construction and side paths near Lewinsville Road intersection in September 2003 (VDOT photo).

Initial public meetings on the Route 7 widening project began in 2012. FABB was an early and vocal advocate for the shared use paths. As plans were finalized in 2019, FABB was active in overcoming resistance to having paths on both sides or at all and ensuring the paths were sufficiently wide. FABB also suggested improvements to proposed intersection changes to make them easier for riders and pedestrians to cross.

The side paths are a great example of what we can accomplish by strong advocacy and early participation in road projects that often last more than decade.

It is never too early to Speak Up for better bicycling. We need all riders help, so please consider joining FABB today.


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