Biking for recreation is a major reason why we love our bikes. Please take a moment to improve and expand trails in the Commonwealth by completing the Virginia Statewide Trails Plan Survey by October 20.

The Virginia State Trails Office seeks public participation in their Statewide Trails Planning Process. Your feedback will help lay the groundwork and help guide the State Trails Office in planning for a network of multi-use trails throughout Virginia.

The Statewide Multi-use Trails Plan will inventory existing and proposed multi-use trails, identify key network gaps, and outline next steps and best practices in multi-use trail development. The goal is a network of trails that have a hard surface such as asphalt, concrete, or crushed stone that can accommodate people walking or using bikes and e-bikes, strollers, skateboards, rollerblades, wheelchairs, mobility devices, and, where appropriate, horses.

Planners will strive to develop trails with a grade of less than 5% and wide enough to enable a wide variety of users to operate safely in both directions. In addition to keeping the trails separated from motor vehicle traffic, the planners will strive for regional connectivity by linking people to places and other trail facilities (e.g., state parks, hospitals, major population, and employment centers, etc.).

Please take 5-10 minutes to take the survey and help the State Trails Office spread the word! The survey will run until October 20, so act now and show your support for trails and recreational riding.

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