FABB is asking local riders to show their support for including shared use trails for Braddock Road in Phase II of the Braddock Road Multimodal Improvements project.

Under current but not yet finalized plans, Phase II of the Braddock Road Multimodal Improvements project includes options for a shared use path on both sides Braddock Road and a shared used path for Ravensworth Road. Given the width of Braddock Road, trails on both sides will allow people biking and walking to avoid unnecessary intersection crossings to access the path. Extending the shared used path on Ravensworth also make sense for safety reasons.

We have been advised that, despite the obvious benefits of the initial trail plan, many public comments are questioning or opposing the inclusion of the trail.

There have been public meetings on the project over the past year, including a late February presentation to the Ravensworth Community. One more is yet to be scheduled for this spring, but we think it would be wise to start now to register support for the trails as well as to ask for buffered or protect bike lanes where possible.

FABB requests that riders in this area send an email to VDOT engineer Mr. Calvin Britt at [email protected] indicating that you support having a shared use trail on both sides of Braddock Road, the extended shared use trail on Ravensworth Road, and buffered and protected bike lanes in the Phase II of the Braddock Road Multimodal Improvements project.






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