Scene from FABB-produced video to illustrate need for protective barriers for portion of trail between the sound wall and highway.

We wanted to highlight this recent article, Lemons to Lemonade, by Kevin O’Brien of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association on the 66 Parallel Trail. It discusses the May 2023 opening of the initial portion of the trail, which serves as an important connector for local neighborhoods and activity centers. The article highlights the vital role of advocacy in the trail’s development and mentions how FABB was instrumental in pushing for the inclusion of bike and pedestrian facilities in what could have been a car-centric project.

The short article is worth the time to read to learn about the how the trail came to be. Through persistent engagement in public hearings, letters to officials, and other activities, biking advocates ensured the project would benefit not just motorists but also cyclists and pedestrians. Although not all advocacy goals were met, the effort has been a “major net positive,” offering meaningful benefits to the community and acting as a catalyst for further bike and pedestrian infrastructure.

FABB is proud of the hard work by all area advocates on the 66 Parallel Trail. We note that this achievement emphasizes the importance of advocacy in shaping large-scale public projects to be more inclusive. The project also showcases how activism can transform potentially divisive infrastructure into community-connecting assets that truly make bicycling better.

Want to be a part of future advocacy. Contact us at [email protected].


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