
Embark Richmond Highway

Proposed Bus Rapid Transit Stations

Embark Richmond Highway is a Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan Amendment creating a multimodal future for Richmond Highway Corridor where people can walk, bike, or drive to the places they want to go. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors adopted the Plan Amendment on March 20, 2018.

The comprehensive plan update establishes the vision and will guide land use decisions for the Richmond Highway Corridor with a goal to drive redevelopment of the corridor. Elementsof the amendment include a re-design of the roadway to support multi-modal connectivity, including a bus-rapid-transit (BRT) line from the Huntington Metro to Fort Belvoir and continuous, separated bicycle lanes and sidewalks on each side of the road. Other principles of the amendment encourage transit oriented development, a network of interconnected park spaces, environmental resource enhancement, and historical legacy.  Check out Fairfax County’s Embark Richmond Highway website for comprehensive background and plan documents.

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Proposed Route 1 Underpass

The Richmond Highway Corridor Improvement project will widen Route 1 from four to six lanes from Jeff Todd Way to Sherwood Hall Lane, providing separate bicycle and pedestrian accommodations on both sides of the roadway and preserving the median for future Bus Rapid Transit. 

VDOT is considering two proposed bicycle and pedestrian underpasses to cross under Richmond Highway at Little Hunting Creek and Dogue Creek. Making sure VDOT knows there is strong support for the underpasses is critical to ensuring they are included in the project. Well-lit grade separated crossings like the proposed underpasses would improve safety and access for people biking and walking along the corridor. VDOT held a Design Public Hearing on March 26, 2019. Check out FABB’s blog for the latest info. 

Fairfax County is also creating Urban Design Guidelines for the Richmond Highway corridor.  The Guidelines provide details on many of the recommendations described in the Embark Comprehensive Plan including the appearance and function of streets, parks and plazas, and other elements of the public realm.

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