• Please take the NVTA Survey to help make bicycling a transportation priority.
  • Pass along our comments below to support a healthier, prosperous, and more climate friendly Fairfax County. 

FABB is encouraging members and others interested in promoting active transportation to participate in a recently launched Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) survey of regional transportation.

The NVTA long-range transportation plan, TransAction, seeks to set transportation priorities for multimodal projects in northern Virginia projects that will have regional impacts. In June 2018 the Authority adopted its first six-year transportation program, which funds 44 regionally significant, multimodal transportation projects totaling more than $1.285 billion.

The NVTA TransAction public survey is now open and can found here.

The survey is our opportunity to inform policy makers and planners about what transportation issues are important to us.

The survey covers several topics but takes only a few minutes to complete. The first section involves a few questions about your usage of various modes of transportation. It’s a great opportunity to let officials know how much you ride and how you combine riding with other forms of transportation.

The next section asks you to rank your transportation priorities. Among the options offered, FABB recommends placing the following in the top four:

  • More transit, walking, biking options
  • Improve safety
  • Improve multimodal connectivity
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The third section is on infrastructure investing. The survey asks if you had $10 million to spend on transportation projects, how would you allocate it across different project types?   FABB thinks it is important to show officials that less expensive and more environment friendly types of projects deserve a major share of future investment. FABB suggests a breakdown such as:

  • Roadway construction/improvement  – $3 million
  • Rail – $2 million
  • Bus – $2 million
  • Bike – $1 million
  • Ped – $1 million
  • Technology Improvements – $1 million

That’s it. On its last page, the survey allows you to leave a comment by clicking a speech bubble in the top right corner. FABB suggests leaving a comment such as:

Reduce emissions and congestion by getting people out of cars and maximizing the use of transit. Prioritize low-cost solutions involving ped/bike infrastructure and safety design measures rather than massive highway expansion projects. Put money into making roads safer and not into trying to improve speeds/transit times for individuals in motor vehicles. Make public health and climate change mitigation the top planning considerations for all projects. 

Again, please take a few minutes and fill out the survey today!





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